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    PG Systems has been in existence since 2000 when I decided to branch out on my own from Corporate America. I decided to concentrate on the small/medium business markets while also offering support assistance to existing enterprise IT departments.
    The main focus of the company is IT support services for Windows and Mac-based office environments. This may entail a complete solution, or a compliment to the existing IT staff. I evaluate corporations from a "best fit" standpoint: I do not come in and recommend you buy this new, that new and rip out your entire infrastructure with what I recommend. 
    In 2006 I made the switch to the Macintosh platform for my business.  I find its ease of use and "just works" concepts invaluable for my professional and personal computing needs.  I still maintain Windows desktop and servers (virtual too!) for my own use of course, but my primary computer interaction is with the Mac line of products.
    I "ease" my presence into the environment and offer improvements with the least cost in mind first, then where absolutely necessary recommended new purchases. Of course, this is all dependent upon the clients needs/wants and timeframe.
    In my dealings with these types of organizations I have found that the number one problem is previous consultants who have left the environment in disarray, or the company was just left with the technology installed (usually from 3-7 years ago) and were offered no enhancements for increased productivity/capability. Most new business comes from the fact that previous I.T. personnel were not readily available.
    My business approach is honesty and cost savings. I find too many dishonest people in this world and I would like to think that I care for my clients' well-being. I do not "pad" hours, I do not visit offices solely for profit. I visit them for a specific task in mind and relay the information to the appropriate point of contact.
    Reselling equipment is another aspect that PG Systems does not involve itself in. In this day and age of the internet I just do not see a huge profit margin in these kinds of sales. I set clients up with accounts at online resellers or use their existing accounts. I recommend what to buy, they purchase.
    PG Systems is a very simple Value-Added-Reseller where service is the business. I live and breathe technology on a daily basis and thrive on enhancing and stabilizing any/every environment I work in. Thank you for taking the time to read this!